Sunday, July 26, 2009

It's all starting to run together...

It's Sunday night and I'm finally starting to get around to making an entry for Wednesday's game, Thursday's rain out, Friday's game, Saturday's game and Sunday's game. It's a bit of a blur. So individual details about each night are a little sketchy, but I shall do my best.
Wednesday. As usual, rain in the forecast. The crew: Alan,Izzy, Knute and myself. It looked like it would hold off until later in the evening, so we hung out and watched the sky. The boys got behind quickly, and the final was 7-1. The most memorable thing happened was when Alan and I were in the back waiting for the game to finish. There some kids up in the picnic area throwing ice down over the rail. That annoys me to no end. When I asked hem to please stop, they said " There's a skunk down there". I looked around, carefully, but didn't see any skunks. They kept whispering about a skunk, when out of the corner of my eye, I caught some movement. A skunk popped its head out of the tarps rolls underneath the steps to the picnic area. We gave it a very wide berth, while keeping an eye on it. It finally went under the back fence and out across the parking lot. We got a call from Knute saying post game work was cancelled, we were tarping immediately. After the last out, he hauled ass to the tarp,as it was already raining. Unbeknownst to me, another skunk followed me down the warning track, then changed its mind and headed back out back. great. We managed to get the tarp on and bagged, when it really opened up and poured. That's all i got to say about Wednesday.
Thursday night. It was raining when I left the office. It was raining when I got to the ballpark. The tarp was already on. Highlight of the evening: Mass tarp slide by the entire Bowie Baysox team. Very impressive. As was the early exit, home at a decent hour.
Friday night: against the Trenton Thunder, the little Yankees. That usually means larger crowds. But, as usual, we had a little pre-game shower, which kept the crowd down and we had a short delay. And a long game, which we won, by the way. And a long post game, with the usual Friday night festivities. Exit time, about 11:40 pm.
Saturday night: I was late arriving, due to attending my company picnic. (good time had by all, I finished 2nd in the belly flop contest. I'm getting old). When I got there, the tarp was on. Imagine that. It looked ugly. We took the tarp off, finally about 6:20 and rushed through pregame prep. They rolled the tarp up and we thought we were all set. At 6:55 it started to rain, so we put the tarp on again. As soon as it was on, it stopped raining. So we took it back off. It was a hot sticky night so after the rain shower most of the infield dirt was attached to the tarp. After we took the tarp off, most of the infield dirt was stuck to us. And we got paid to do it. Is this a great country or what? The most memorable event of the evening? Hands down, the video presentation for Autism Awareness night. Randy Tomlin, our pitching coach, has 3 children. His oldest, Coy, is autistic. Randy narrated a very moving presentation about his son, his autism, and how they deal with it in everyday life. very inspiring. At the end, Coy came racing out of the bullpen to the pitcher's mound, grabbed a ball from his dad and threw a perfect strike to home plate. With some heat. Made my night, and my week for that matter. We did get a little more rain later in the game, but nothing to bothersome. Also got another win. We managed to get our regular post game work finished, then put the tarp on and headed for home,late again.
Sunday's game: I wasn't really supposed to be there, since I was going to a car show in York. The show wasn't all that exciting, so I left about 1:30 and headed back to the 'burg and changed clothes and headed for City Island. I arrived in the top of the 6th, so I loaded the truck for post game and went in search of a Spot Dog. After procuring one, I took a seat in he cubby and caught up with the guys. The boys had another lead, that they extended, and at the end we had a sweep of Trenton. Turned out to be a pretty decent week after all. 7 games, 4 wins, 1 rain out.
Afterwards, we did the quick turnaround for the PA Legion All-Star game. With one brief interruption for a tarp pull. The perfect ending to a perfect week.
So until July 31st, later.

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